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The use of this service is strictly for a personal use. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, for other purposes on any support is prohibited. The violation of this prohibition constitutes a counterfeit which might engage the civil or penal responsibility of the counterfeiter.
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G-NECA cannot be held responsible for any problems or damages caused by consulting or using this website by the user. Hyperlinks can return towards third-party sites on which G-NECA does not exert any control. G-NECA disclaims any responsibility for the content of those sites.
Privacy policy
Your personal information transmitted via G-NECA – France’s website is consultable exclusively by the members of our cabinet. In compliance with the law “IT and freedom” (Law n°78-17 of January 6th, 1978), you have the right of access, of correction, and suppression of the data relating to information about you. You can exert it by simply contacting us by email at the address below:
Data Processing Department
G-NECA – Digital communication Department Group
3, rue de Paradis
PHONE NUMBER : +33 (0)9 83 04 66 55
MOBILE : +33 (0)6 25 45 64 42
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Editor – Webmaster
The management and the publication of this site are ensured by the Department of digital communication of G-NECA Group and our partner PHO Anthony which has signed a contract of confidentiality G-NECA Group.
The head office of our partner 2 Fresh’ Studio : 20, rue Paul Valery – 93420 VILLEPINTE – FRANCE